Climate Basics (CB) and BUND - Friends of the Earth Germany are launching a joint project “Youth for Developing Innovative Climate Solutions,” funded by the program “Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia” (Eastern Partnership Programme) of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The project partners are the Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University together with Fablab Iliauni, the Akhmeta Innovation Center, and Tkibuli District Development Fund TDDF.
The aim of the project is to raise young people’s awareness of climate change issues, develop innovative ideas to tackle problems of local importance related to climate change and engage in dialogue with local governments. Particular attention will be paid to the sharing of German experiences.
The project will be implemented in three phases:
Phase I includes a Climate Academy. The selected participants will be trained as mentor-multipliers by German and Georgian experts. They will learn formal and non-formal educational methods on climate change.
In Phase II, the communities of Tkibuli and Akhmeta will host Climate Innovation Weekends, where pre-selected students from the same communities (15-17 years old) will be able to participate in the following activities under the guidance of trained multipliers:
Seminars on global and local climate change issues;
Workshops on the topics - “Development of Innovative Ideas and Planning of their Implementation”, “Innovative Methods of Problem Solving”;
Programming/code writing lab to develop climate innovative ideas (using Calliope Mini microcontroller).
In Phase III, teams of students will develop innovative ideas with the help of mentor-multipliers and present them at the final event.
During the project, an online platform - "Climate Class" - will be established, which will contain textbooks on climate change as well as ideas developed by students and materials created during the project. The information and materials posted on the platform will be accessible to all interested parties.
Contact information:
Tamar Shashiashvili, Project Manager
E-mail: info@climatebasics.info
Phone: +995 599 280 901