გამოფენა „უჩინართა მიწები“
The Landscapes of the Invisible is a contemporary art activist project initiated by Collective Failure in collaboration with Tes Club and Climate Basics.
The exhibition showcases the impact of environmental and climate change injustice on the most affected landscapes, as well as the people of Georgia who are struggling with social-economic and environmental inequalities.
Through the display of various mediums such as installations, paintings, textile art, video art, and performance, the exhibition aims to demonstrate how climate change and environmental concerns deepen existing inequalities and increase the vulnerability of socially marginalized groups.
The works of artists and activists, including Davit Kukhalashvili, Natia Sapanadze, Philip Grechulevich, Salomeya Bauer, Wer Michelle, Tutasay, Nina’s Art, Nika Museridze, and Zoya Baboo, will be featured in the exhibition. Most of the artworks have been created explicitly for this project, and we are excited to present them to our audience.
The initiative is part of the EU-funded regional #EU4Climate project implemented by UNDP.
Group Exhibition is curated by Collective Failure
The Landscapes of Invisible
Collective Failure, Tes-თან და Climate Basic-თან ერთად, წარმოგიდგენთ გამოფენას The Landscapes of Invisible / უჩინართა მიწები, რომელიც თანამედროვე ხელოვნების ენით საუბრობს გარემოსდაცვით და კლიმატის ცვლილების უსამართლობებზე საქართველოში.
გამოფენას სურს დაგვანახოს კლიმატის ცვლილების არაპროპორციული შედეგები სოციალურ ჯგუფებზე, რომელთა სატკივარი იშვიათად ხდება პოლიტიკური დღის წესრიგის ნაწილი. უჩინარ მიწებსა და მათ მომავალზე, უჩინარ ადამიანებსა და მათ ყოფასა თუ ემოციურ მდგომარეობებზე რეფლექსიაა გამოფენის მთავარი სურვილი.
უჩინართა მიწები სხვადასხვა მედიუმში შესრულებული ნამუშევრების ერთობლიობაა, სადაც ნახავთ მრავალფეროვან ინსტალაციებს, ნახატებს, ვიდეო არტს და ტექსტილის ნამუშევრებს. გვიხარია, რომ ნამუშევრების ნაწილი არტისტებმა და მწვანე აქტივისტებმა სპეციალურად ამ გამოფენისთვის შექმნეს.
გამოფენაში მონაწილეობენ: დავით კუხალაშვილი, ნათია საპანაძე, ფილო გრეჩულევიჩი, სალომეა ბაუერი, თუთა ჩხეიძე, Wer Michelle, Nina’s Art, ნიკა მუსერიძე, გიორგი ქავთარაძე.
ინიციატივა ხორციელდება ევროკავშირისა და გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამის რეგიონული პროექტის EU4Climate ფარგლებში.
კურატორი Collective Failure

Davit Kukhalashvili "Fathers"
The artwork reflects on the close interconnection of power and environmental crisis, that are inextricably linked through the ownership and exploitation of natural resources.
Note: Human-induced climate change has already affected global economic inequality. The gap between the economic output of the world’s richest and poorest countries is 25 per cent larger today than it would have been without global warming.
Despite relatively less contribution to human-induced climate change, developing countries suffer the most from the negative impacts of climate change. The poorest and most marginalized people are more vulnerable to the consequences of climate change.
Natia Sapanadze "AS IF THE FIRST TIME"
The artwork captures the powerful emotions of isolation and invisibility that many women experience in the face of climate disasters.
Note: Georgia stands in the path of an elevated threat as hydrometeorological hazards and natural disasters intensified and loomed large over the country. The list of perils is long and includes frequent landslides, floods, flash floods, mudflows, droughts, avalanches, high winds, and storms. The challenging terrain of the country's rugged mountains adds to the complexity of these hazards

Natia Sapanadze "WHERE ELSE SHALL WE GO?"
The artwork is a powerful reminder of the urgent need to recognize and address the unique vulnerabilities and strengths of women and girls in the fight against climate change and environmental devastation.
Note: Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change due to social, cultural and economic factors, which amplify existing gender inequalities and pose unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety.

Object#4, Object#5
Salomeya Bauer Diptych “Waiting for peace”
The Diptych captures both the breathtaking beauty and heart-wrenching sadness of disappearing glaciers.
Note: Georgia's glaciers represent a vital climatic and economic resource for the country, as they hold an abundant freshwater water supply. They play a significant role in shaping the water cycle and regional weather patterns, making them a critical element in the nation's ecological makeup. Additionally, Georgian glaciers shape cultural identity, myths, legends, practices and beliefs. Sadly, the rapid disappearance of these majestic ice formations is an established reality in today's world of climate change.

Salomeya Bauer "Reflection"
The artwork captures both the breathtaking beauty and heart-wrenching sadness of disappearing glacie
Note: Alarming reports have already highlighted the changes as the quantity and area of glaciers continue to decline. While smaller glaciers rapidly melt away, larger ones steadily retreat, leaving behind a trail of environmental uncertainty. Within the entire Greater Caucasus, over the last twenty years, the total glacierized area reduced by 23 % or 320 km² of total glacier area. To give you a better idea, this is about the size of the Republic of Malta.

Philo Grechulevich "The Last Nation of Pollution"
This thought-provoking artwork provides a stark commentary on the modern lifestyle of mass consumption and the generation of pollution that it entails.
Note: Poor waste management contributes to climate change and water, soil and air pollution, directly affecting many ecosystems and species. The main sources of waste pollution are human activities, such as industrial production, agriculture, transportation, and household consumption.
Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release methane, a powerful greenhouse gas linked to human-induced climate change.
Tutasay "No Hope for tomorrow"
The artwork is a portrayal of the bleak reality faced by coal miners in the city of Tkibuli.
Note: Slowing down the speed of climate change requires restructuration and reorientation of the fossil fuel dependent economies and lifestyles. Change is inevitable and demands transition to clean sources. The principle of just transition is that a healthy economy and a clean environment can and should co-exist. The process for achieving this vision should be a fair one that should not cost workers or community residents their health, environment, jobs, or economic assets.
Nina art, Textile Installation: "The soil under your feet"
The hand-crafted artwork is a portrayal of open-pit mining in Chiatura.
The impact of open-pit mining on soil degradation can be significant and long-lasting, and this is certainly the case in Chiatura. The area of soil degradation caused by the open pits left without proper cultivation in Chiatura is extensive, covering at least 740 hectares of land.
Giorgi Kavtaradze, Installation: "The Song of the Sea"
This installation provides a stark commentary on the devastating impact of human-made pollution of Black Sea. At its center is a tank of water that, at first, appears clear and pure. But as the installation progresses, we see how the water gradually changes color, becoming darker and more polluted over time.
Note: The Black Sea and its surrounding areas are marked by majestic scenery and a rich cultural and natural heritage. The region's waters, coastlines, floodplains and mountains are home to an incredibly diverse range of species, wildlife and habitats. It is a unique natural phenomenon. Flora and fauna of the Black Sea, though not particularly diverse, but very interesting. The Black Sea is bordered (shared) by Bulgaria and Romania, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. Pollution, oil spills, marine traffic, global heating, sea level rise, invasive species and overfishing threaten the sea.
Nika Museridze, Installation: 4 parts
This installation invites the viewer to step inside a box of screens, immersing themselves in a powerful video exploring the issue of air pollution in Georgia. The screens surround the viewer, enveloping them in a multi-sensory experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally evocative.
Note: Compared to the European countries, Georgia has significantly worse indoor and outdoor air pollution. In many cities of Georgia, like Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi, Poti, the air pollution is a highly problematic issue.
Air pollution refers to the presence of harmful substances in the air we breathe, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment.
Wermichelle, Installation: Invisible
This multimedia installation is a feast for the senses, with the artist using a variety of screen sizes and shapes to create a captivating visual display. Through its use of imagery and motion, the installation brings to life the invisible struggles of those whose needs are not heard or researched.
Collective Failure - In case of Climate Emergency, Brake Glass
"In Case of Climate Emergency, Break Glass" is a thought-provoking installation that serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address the climate emergency we are facing. Boxes contain: bottle of clean water, coffee, beans, and corn - a stark reminder of the food and water crises that are the result of climate change.